DELWP seeking stakeholder feedback on MUSIA arrangements by 10 August


Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP)  is seeking feedback on the MUSIA shortlisted options for stormwater management between Melbourne Water and the 38 councils across the Port Philip and Westernport region.

Stakeholders are encouraged to read the accompanying discussion paper before completing the online survey.

In summary, the shortlisted options are:

Option 1 - Delineation by catchment - Improved 60-ha: would allocate responsibilities based on a formalised and more clearly defined version of the existing convention.

Option 2 - Delineation by asset size and class: would categorise and allocate responsibilities for assets based on size (e.g. pipe diameter) or class (e.g. retarding basins and wetlands).

Option 3 - Delineation based on outcomes: would allocate responsibilities based on which organisation is best placed to manage the outcomes delivered by an asset or service.