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These fact sheets have been prepared to assist with the design considerations for onsite treatment. The fact sheets should be read in conjunction with relevant council policies and guidance documents available in the Related Resources section of the C56 Tool.
This fact sheet sets out the information required to assist you in meeting the requirements of Clause 56.07-4 by providing on site treatment. This fact sheet details the options available for treatment, planning and design considerations as well as construction and maintenance considerations.
Detailed in this fact sheet is the process required for applications where the subdivision is located within Melbourne Water's waterway management boundary and is unable to provide full or partial treatment on site and will need to make a full or partial offset payment.
Note - If you are unsure if the subdivision is located within Melbourne Water's waterway management boundary please click here to access a detailed map.
This Fact Sheet details the different options that are available for designing your driveway with either a centre grass strip , permeable paving, or diversion into a raingarden or infiltration pit.
An infiltration raingarden is essentially a depression in the garden which allows water to soak into the ground; the raingarden is filled with a sandy loam soil and can have an underlying gravel trench. Refer to this Fact Sheet to find out how to design and size your raingarden.
Infiltration trenches are gravel filled and designed to receive stormwater without losing valuable space in your garden. A trench can take water from a downpipe, overflow from tanks or pipes draining hard surfaces such as driveways and paving. Refer to this Fact Sheet on how to design and size your trench.
Rainwater tanks are often installed at residential homes across Victoria. Whilst most home owners appreciate the water and cost savings of harvesting water from their roofs, tanks can also protect the health of our local waterways. Refer to this Fact Sheet to see how installing a rainwater tank can result in multiple benefits.