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Below are a number of related resources and websites that may be useful in the design of your subdivision.


Planning resources

Clause 56.07 sets out the Integrated Water Management Provisions for residential subdivisions. Read the wording of Clause 56.07-4 in pdf format. The Department of Planning and Community Development in 2006 also produced this pdf Practice Note

Planning zones and overlays - to access information about the relevant planning scheme in which your development is located visit  the Department of Planning and Community Developments website

Access the Land Channel Interactive Map to identify which planning zone your property is located within.

You can submit your subdivision application online through SPEARStreamlined Planning through Electronic Applications and Referrals

STEPS Tool for assessing sustainability credentials of developments.


WSUD guidelines and resources

Urban Stormwater Best Practice Environmental Management Guidelines -  BPEM Guidelines - provide guidance on quality and quantity of stormwater so that environmental performance is improved and receiving waters are protected. BPEM must be met in order to satisfy Clause 56.07-4.

MUSIC- Model for Urban Stormwater Improvement Conceptualisation - is used in the assessment of WSUD systems. If you require training on how to use MUSIC - eWater have a number of training courses for new and advanced uses. 

STORM Calculator for assessing individual lots where Water Sensitive Urban Design is being used to manage urban stormwater run-off. 

The Adoption guidelines for stormwater biofiltration systems (previously called the FAWB Adoption Guidelines) have been prepared to assist in the development of biofiltration systems. 

The Infrastructure Design Manual (IDM) contains specific design standards for WSUD systems. In addition regional and rural councils have provided preferences for WSUD within their area. Access a web version of the IDM.


Training, case studies and resources

Have you explored Clearwater's website? Clearwater provides technical training courses for a range of WSUD systems. Access Clearwater's Events Calendar for upcoming training and events dates. Within the resource library there are a number of regional and metropolitan case studies, WSUD Guidelines prepared for specific councils, and quick reference guides on WSUD.


Melbourne Water resources

Melbourne Water's website has important information for developers and home owners who are subdividing land. 

Melbourne Water's Constructed Wetlands Design Manual

Melbourne Water's Water Sensitive Urban Design website is focused on the stormwater aspects of WSUD and provides information about treatment measures.

The Melbourne Water Land Development Manual outlines the requirements of Developers when providing drainage infrastructure in new developments. 

The Melbourne Water MUSIC Guidelines set out the recommended input parameters and modelling approaches for MUSIC users.

STORM Calculator was produced for Melbourne Water as a simplified version of the MUSIC tool which can be used to assess whether the best practice water management objectives have been met.