Tuesday 1st Dec 2020 - Thursday 28th Jan 2021
Zoom - Online
Registrations are now closed
This training will provide an overview of the Cosntructed Waterways Design Manual with a focus on stepping Melbourne Water staff through how to review a submitted design.
There are two sessions available:
Each practitioner will need to attend only one of the sessions above. Places are limited for each session, register for your preferred date now.
Development Services has identified the need for both internal and external training around the revised wetland and the new constructed waterway design manuals. These manuals cover design, construction and maintenance of constructed wetlands and constructed waterways. The manuals articulate the industry standard required for the construction Melbourne Water waterway and wetland assets.
At this stage the Constructed Waterways Design Manual Training is ready to be rolled out for Melbourne Water staff.
Registrations close on Friday 27 November for December session, on Friday 22 January for January session.