Thursday 3rd Mar 2016 9:00AM - 1:30PM
Boronia : meeting location will be confirmed on registration.
Registrations are now closed
Join Clearwater and Knox Council to experience a truly integrated approach to stormwater management and see projects where 'people and water meet'.
Caroline Carvalho, Knox Stormwater Coordinator, will present council's innovative stormwater solutions - delivering for flood mitigation (quantity), waterway protection (quality) and stormwater use at the local level (conservation). The tour will visit award winning biofilters, constructed wetlands, and stormwater harvesting projects that are integrated into urban parklands. You will see sites with engineered solutions and other projects where re-direction of stormwater has returned ephemeral waters and swampy woodlands.
The stormwater projects you will visit are helping create aquatic habitats and recreational corridors that provide enhanced liveability outcomes and social connections with these places.
You will have an opportunity to learn about project planning, construction and maintenance and find out how the Knox Stormwater Department has built capacity for Integrated Water Management within their organisation.
Suitable for anyone involved in sustainable water planning or asset maintenance, including developers, planners, architects, environment and maintenance staff.
Course completion can contribute CPD points to programs with the following organisations: Nursery and Garden Industry Association (NGIA), Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA), Engineers Australia (EA) and Planning Institute of Australia (PIA).
Monday, February 29