• Paid Event

Stormwater harvest workshop for federal fund recipients

Friday 30th Mar 2012 9:00PM - 1:00PM

379-397 Whitehorse Road Nunawading
Nunawading Room 2, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000

Registrations are now closed

Clearwater and the WaSSH group invite representaives from organisations who have received funding under the Federal Stormwater  Harvesting and Reuse grant to the first stormwater workshop for 2012. 

The theme of this workshop will be “Selling your stormwater harvesting project: Prepare engaging communications and reports”. An expert presenter will outline how clear communications can build support and engagement for your project. The workshop will also present guidelines on generating engaging and concise case studies.

We strongly encourage you to bring / send new stormwater representatives from your organisation to each meeting to expand the network and knowledge throughout your organisation. Additionally for this workshop please invite communications staff from your organisation who will be assisting you in promoting your project.

Morning Tea and Lunch included.

