This Guardian article 'Are eastern Australia’s catastrophic floods really a one-in-1,000 year...
Stormwater Shepherds $50,000 Funding Stormwater Feasibility Study grant is open until 13 May with...
Up to 10 million litres of drinking water will be saved each year with an innovative water-saving...
Bayside Council are accelerating the transformation of a former golf course into a biodiversity...
Recycled water could be a valuable resource if there was more community awareness surrounding it...
Melbourne is one of Australia’s fastest growing cities. Melbourne’s population...
Melbourne's Water Outlook for 2022 was released in November 2021. The report, prepared by Melbourne...
Stormwater Shepherds is an Australian based not-for-profit organisation committed to restoring...
On 1 January 2022 the Port Phillip and Westernport Catchment Management Authority (PPWCMA)...
In December 2021 the Victorian government released the Waterways of the West Action Plan, a five-year...