events & news
Enabling the transition to Water Sensitive Cities
Dear Clearwater Newsletter Subscriber, Welcome to the latest update from the Clearwater team.
With the spring weather upon us it seems like the perfect time to announce three Clearwater tours on offer from September to December. Our popular WSUD Retrofit Tour will be held later this month, followed by a new IWM City Walking Tour through the heart of Docklands. Lastly, we reignite the Kingston WSUD Tour which features a new site where an old industrial estate incorporates stormwater harvesting.
A number of new guidelines and resources have been released including the anticipated WSUD Maintenance Guidelines developed by Melbourne Water. The use of these guidelines is supported by our recently developed training, 'Maintenance of Street-scale WSUD Assets' which is delivered on request.
A fantastic council initiative featured in this edition is Moreland City Council's WSUD raingarden and tree pit design package. The package has been developed to improve the standard and consistency of streetscape raingardens and tree pits being designed and constructed within their municipality.
training and events |
Thursday 26 September 2013
The tour highlights an array of WSUD stormwater treatment measures and harvesting systems across the City of Stonnington & Port Phillip. Council experts and design consultants will be onsite to provide insights into the development and management of each project, discussing challenges, learnings and outcomes from concept to completion.
Click here for more information or to register now |
Wednesday 30 October 2013
This one day training course will introduce you to the concepts of Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) and water sensitive cities, focusing on the WSUD approach to stormwater management.
Click here for more information or to register now |
Thursday 14 November 2013
Join Clearwater and the City of Melbourne on this new tour which features an impressive variety of (mostly retrofit) Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) and Integrated Water Management (IWM) project sites throughout the Melbourne CBD.
Click here for more information or to register now |
Tuesday 3 December 2013
This highly recommended tour, led by Alan West, provides a valuable opportunity to view an impressive variety of established raingardens, as well as an award-winning stormwater harvesting system implemented in an old industrial estate. The City of Kingston has been a leader in retrofitting Water Sensitive Urban Design projects for over ten years and has built expertise in design, construction, community consultation and maintenance.
Click here for more information or to register now |
news |
21 August 2013
A fantastic initiative recently launched by Moreland City Council is the streetscape WSUD raingarden and tree pit design package. The package has been developed to improve the standard and consistency of streetscape raingardens and tree pits being designed and constructed within Moreland...
Click for full story |
17 August 2013
This 4min video produced by ABC's Gardening Australia television program brings to life the Darling Street Stormwater Harvesting project located in East Melbourne. This innovative project provides treated stormwater to irrigate some of Melbourne's oldest parks.
View videoentitled 'A Catchment Solution' via the Gardening Australia's website...
Click for full story |
20 August 2013
Do you work in the water industry and have a strong commitment to developing your leadership skills? ...
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20 August 2013
The CSIRO, Australia's national science agency, is currently undertaking a study on the physical condition of rainwater tanks in Melbourne. As part of the study, free assessments of rainwater tanks will be offered to participants.
The assessment involves answering a 10-15 minute survey, followed by a 20-30 minute assessment of your tank by a trained CSIRO personnel, at the end of which, you will receive a complimentary report on its physical condition...
Click for full story |
resources |
7 August 2013
The purpose of the guidelines is to inform developers and consultants of councils expectations for WSUD assets within their municipality. The guidelines provide information on approvals process, design considerations, suitability of WSUD types in different conditions and considerations for construction, protection, maintenance and handover of WSUD assets. ...
Click for full story |
6 August 2013
Designed for asset managers and maintenance crews, the Guidelines provide information on the main system components and associated maintenance activities for:
raingardens tree pits swales and permeable pavements.
An inspection and maintenance schedule is provided for each asset, including typical frequencies for the different activities. An example inspection and maintenance form is also provided, which can be adapted for the specific needs of each council...
Click for full story |