Enabling the
transition to Water
Sensitive Cities
Event Update
Dear Clearwater Newsletter Subscriber,
Welcome to the latest update from the Clearwater team.
training and events
Tuesday 19 April
Stormwater harvest and reuseTuesday 3 May
WSUD tour - Stonnington & Port PhillipTuesday 17 May
Raingardens essentialsWednesday 25 May
Music: Development Assessement of WSUDFriday 3 June
Hot Topics: Starting an Asset Register for Water Sensitive Urban DesignWednesday 8 June
Music: Stormwater modelling for WSUDMonday 11 July
Water Sensitive Cities Winter Schoolnews
2011 Stormwater Victoria Annual Seminar
training and events

Tuesday the 19th of April 2011
This workshop will introduce key steps to consider when scoping a sustainable water project integrating stormwater harvesting and water reuse. You will follow a stormwater harvest and reuse case study to highlight the considerations for water demand, supply, storage, treatment and project evaluation. Interactive activities will focus on tools for calculating yields, storage needs and irrigation schedules. Relevant legislation, guidelines and risk assessment procedures for stormwater and waste water reuse use are also covered.
Click here for more information or to register now

Tuesday the 3rd of May 2011
Clearwater’s latest tour highlights an array of WSUD stormwater treatment measures and harvesting systems across the City of Stonnington & Port Phillip. Council experts and design consultants will be onsite to provide insights into the development and management of each project, discussing challenges, learnings and outcomes from concept to completion.
Click here for more information or to register now

Tuesday the 17th of May 2011
This popular workshop provides practical guidance on the design and construction of raingardens and biofilters. The workshop covers site analysis, design, materials selection, construction and maintenance to ensure project success. Practical class exercises give participants a deeper understanding of best practice design and effective project management.
Click here for more information or to register now

Wednesday the 25th of May 2011
This one-day course is designed for local government music users. It covers how to use music in the assessment of development applications where Water Sensitive Urban Design is required. Music is an aid to decision making. It enables users to evaluate conceptual designs of stormwater management systems to ensure they are appropriate for their catchments.
Click here for more information or to register now

Friday the 3rd of June 2011
Clearwater's latest Hot Topics provides a terrific opportunity to hear about the importance of developing a WSUD asset register in council. Local government and industry experts will share valuable insights outlining key steps and programs they have used to develop a WSUD asset register, outlining how this has informed management and future planning.
Click here for more information or to register now

Wednesday the 8th of June 2011
Clearwater, in partnership with eWater, delivers training for the latest version of music software. Music (Model for Urban Stormwater Improvement Conceptualisation) can assist you in planning, simulating and evaluating on site stormwater treatment measures and water sensitive urban design.
Click here for more information or to register now

Monday the 11th of July 2011
The Water Sensitive Cities Winter School is a unique opportunity to hear from Australia’s leading researchers on key actions we need to undertake to create water sensitive and liveable cities. Lectures and workshops will present latest solutions and concept on required economic approaches, technologies for water treatment, urban design and modelling, climate change adaptation, social and government engagement.
Click here for more information or to register now

March 12, 2011
The theme for this year’s annual seminar is Stormwater – Making the Connection. Stormwater used to be hidden away to help make our cities and towns work 'efficiently'. Now we can harvest, treat, re-use and feature it to improve the quality of life for communities.
Click for full story...
info@clearwater.asn.au (03) 9235 5335
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