Clearwater News and Events

Dear Clearwater Newsletter Subscriber,

Welcome to the Clearwater update for April 2017.

Regional highlights

We are excited to open registrations and launch our capacity building activities in regional Victoria. As part of our partnership with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), Clearwater is working with professionals across Victoria to strengthen the skills, knowledge and networks to support integrated water management throughout Victoria.

People, place and planning: the role of water is a half day workshop designed to build a shared understanding on how local values and community needs relate to liveable and resilient cities and towns, and the role of integrated water management. These workshops will bring together a diverse range of professionals from local government, water corporations and catchment management authorities and be progressively rolled out in each of the Victorian urban water regions as a precursor to DELWP’s regional IWM Forums.

Registration is currently open for Ballarat (Central Highlands), Geelong (Barwon), Bendigo (Coliban) and Warrnambool (Wannon). If your region is not listed and there is interest in hosting a workshop, Clearwater would love to hear from you.

Metro highlights

On April 27, Living Rivers (Melbourne Water program) and Clearwater will host a Point-Source Stormwater Pollution Forum. This is an important event for Local Government and Industries who are required to understand the risks and responsibilities of single source pollution to waterways and human health. The event will feature subject matter experts and local government case studies. The session will be particularly useful for environmental health, local laws and planning enforecement practitioners.

Finally, never underestimate the value of networking with your peers over an evening drink! Our Water Drinks event coming up on April 20 offers you the opportunity to find out more about the work of your water management colleagues in a fun and informal environment. We hope you can join us.

training and events
Water Drinks
20 April 2017
Where: Hophaus - Southbank

Clearwater and Stormwater Victoria are continuing their popular series of networking events for practitioners involved in stormwater...

Point-Source Stormwater Pollution Forum
26 April 2017
Where: Karstens Conference Rooms

Don’t fully understand the risks of point-source pollution?Not sure if it is a problem for you, your local area –...

People, place and planning: the role of water
23 May 2017 to 20 June 2017
Where: Ballarat – Geelong – Bendigo – Warrnambool

Developing a shared understanding of how local values and community needs relate to liveable and resilient cities and towns, and...

Introduction to WSUD principles & technologies
24 August 2017
Where: University of Melbourne - Burnley Campus

Note: This course was previously called 'WSUD: Stormwater management principles & practices' Overview:   This...

Updated Melbourne Water MUSIC resources: Guidelines and Auditor
07 April 2017

Melbourne Water has specific guidelines for those submitting MUSIC models to Melbourne Water. These guidelines ensure that...

Update on DELWP IWM forums
07 April 2017

The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) has been working hard to prepare for the Integrated Water Management...

Find Grants: Online tool to access funding for Livability projects
09 February 2017

Melbourne Water has created a new site called Find Grants to assist individuals, community groups and Councils to locate...

Factsheets And Tools: Checklist for IWM Project Planning
23 February 2017

Hobsons Bay City Council staff have created a tool to help decision makers in local government prioritise Intergrated Water Management...

Video Gallery: A new type of river management is coming!
24 October 2016

This fantastic animation boils down the principles of river management. A great resource to communicate with your stakeholders...

industry events
Catchment collaborations: Co-designing the Maribyrnong

20 April 2017

Brownstone Cafe, Brimbank Park

2017 Stormwater Victoria Conference

03 May 2017

Cumberland Resort, Lorne, Victoria


16 May 2017

International Convention Centre Sydney

CRC for Water Sensitive Cities Conference

18 July 2017


990 La Trobe Street, Docklands, Vic 3008 Australia | t.03 9679 7711 |

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