Clearwater News and Events

Dear Clearwater Newsletter Subscriber,

Thank you to everyone who completed our Water Drinks survey and congratulations to our winner, Sanaith Tavate from Baw Baw Shire Council! We received some great new ideas and insights. Some of you haven't made it along, but we'd love to see you there. Please let us know what's held you back - is it the location, start time, day or another reason?  Email our team your comments so we can keep improving Water Drinks - after all it's your networking event!

Place-based IWM planning seminars

A reminder to register for one of three Place-based IWM planning seminars supported by DEWLP. There are still spots left for the first seminar kicking off on 30 August in Ascot Vale, so register now. You won't want to miss hearing from our line-up of exceptional speakers. Transport options will be available from the nearest train stations for Westernport & Dandendong and Yarra catchment seminars.

Five new IWM fact sheets

We're excited to release new IWM fact sheets for our regional Victoria audience. These fact sheets are designed to assist each of you in your various fields to communicate the benefits of integrated water management in delivering greater benefits to the community. Check them out here:

Living Rivers funding round 

Melbourne Water’s Living Rivers program funding round opens on Monday 11 September 2017. There's $1.5 million approx. available, so get your applications ready

IWC scholarships

A reminder that Clearwater is offering five scholarships for the International WaterCentre's 'Water Leadership Program'. Submissions close 30 September. Don't miss out on this great opportunity. 


We are continuing to share the latest news, events and resources on Clearwater's LinkedIn page. Please follow us if you haven't already. 

training and events
Place-based IWM planning: Maribyrnong & Werribee
30 August 2017
Where: Riverside Kitchen & Events

Place-based IWM planning: building the foundations for effective collaboration Clearwater is excited to announce a series of...

Aquarevo - The Future of Water Efficient Communities
20 September 2017
Where: Aquarevo Discovery Centre

Please note that the event date was updated after our last e-newsletter send-out - the event is now scheduled for Wednesday 20...

Place-based IWM planning - Yarra
13 September 2017
Where: Yering Meadows Golf Club

Place-based IWM planning: building the foundations for effective collaboration Clearwater is excited to announce a series of...

Place-based IWM planning - Westernport & Dandenong
05 September 2017
Where: Cardinia Cultural Centre

Place-based IWM planning: building the foundations for effective collaboration Clearwater is excited to announce a series of...

Faster, better flood warnings for Melbourne
13 July 2017

A new flood data managment system at Melbourne Water is helping to increase response times for flood warnings and make Melburnians...

Water Leader Scholarships
17 July 2017

Clearwater and the International WaterCentre (IWC) are partnering to offer two full scholarships and three half scholarships to...

Updated: Urban water strategies released
24 July 2017

News update: A new summary document has been released 'Water for a future-thriving Melbourne', providing an overview of the common...

Living Rivers September 2017 Funding Round
21 August 2017

Melbourne Water’s Living Rivers program offers Councils funding, expertise and guidance to build understanding, skills and...

Factsheets And Tools: Water's role in economic opportunities
18 August 2017

Many professions contribute to the creation of Economic Opportunities through their role in place-making. People with...

Case Study: Regional Recycled Water Feasibility Study
27 June 2017

Pyrenees Shire Council and Central Highlands Water have partnered to assess the feasibility of piping recycled water approximately...

Case Study: Regional Jan Juc Creek Daylighting Project
21 August 2017

In 2012, the ‘Friends of Jan Juc Creek Reserve’ (FJJCR) community group presented Council with the idea of reinstating...

Factsheets And Tools: How to guide: Planning a green-blue city
17 July 2017

A how-to guide for planning urban greening and enhanced stormwater management in Victoria. This how-to guide has been developed...

industry events
WASH and Behaviour Change - Online Training Course

04 September 2017


VicWater Annual Conference 2017

14 September 2017

The Langham Melbourne

10th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD 2018) & Hydropolis 2018

13 February 2018

Crown Tower, Perth, Western Australia

990 La Trobe Street, Docklands, Vic 3008 Australia | t.03 9679 7711 |

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Victoria State Government Melbourne Water