Clearwater News and Events

Dear Clearwater Newsletter Subscriber,

Welcome to our 2016 'Easter' update. We hope you all had a relaxing, safe and chocolatey long week-end!

The recent weeks have been eventful for the Victorian Water industry with several State Government announcements: the 50GL order for desalinated water for the 2016/17 delivery period, the reinstatement of the 'Target 155' campaign to encourage Melbournians to reduce their potable water use and finally, the recent release of the 'Water for Victoria' discussion paper, which supports the development of the new Water Plan. 

Get involved in the consultation and come along to MAV's special session on Wednesday, April 6. This is a fantastic opportunity for Local Government reps to give input and provide feedback to inform the final water plan.

In this newsletter issue, we're also taking a closer look at current research:

  • Find out what the CRC for water sensitive cities has achieved so far (Tranche 1) and where it is headed in the next few years (Tranche 2);
  • Read up on the newest research into the benefits and the challenges associated with urban greening; 
  • Check out the Smart Water project report to learn how we can work towards 'Target 155' by improving the efficiency of our water coolers.

Happy reading!

training and events
Melbourne Water Lunchtime Seminar
01 April 2016
Where: Melbourne Water office

This 1h seminar is hosted by Melbourne Water, and is part of a regular lunchtime 'research seminar' series. It will provide valuable...

Water for Victoria - LG Consultation Session
06 April 2016
Where: MAV

This session, hosted by the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV), will provide local government the opportunity to hear from...

MUSIC training
07 June 2016 to 08 June 2016
Where: Melbourne: Venue to be advised

MUSIC is a software tool supported by eWater that helps you to design urban development proposals that meet Water Sensitive Urban...

Maintenance of WSUD Assets Technical Training Packages

Where: Event held in-house

Clearwater’s in-house training provides organisations with an interactive learning experience. Our trainers are experts...

IWM at Knox: Knowledge and Passion - tour report back
14 March 2016

On March 3, Clearwater partnered with Knox City Council to run an Integrated Water Management tour in Knox. The tour showcased...

Water for Victoria - A new water plan
22 March 2016

The Victorian Government is developing a new water plan, Water for Victoria, which will set the strategic direction for water...

CRC for Water Sensitive Cities: Tranche 2 research project development
24 March 2016

As the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC) enters its second half of operation, also referred to as Tranche 2, it has been...

Image Gallery: Water and Sustainability

Water and sustainability The following cartoons were translated from their original French version on the Meli Melo website (Meli-Melo:...

Publications And Reports: Green Infrastructure Evidence Base
15 March 2016

The 'Green Infrastructure Evidence Base' was put together by Loci Environment and Place, and summarises the growing number of...

Publications And Reports: Summary of Research Outputs, Tranche 1 - CRC for Water Sensitive Cities
01 February 2016

This document presents a summary of the research outputs delivered by the Cooperative Research Centre for WaterSensitive Cities...

Smart Water Fund Projects: Improving Water Efficiency in Evaporative Coolers
31 December 2012

The Challenge: It is currently unknown how much water installed evaporative air coolers in Victoria waste, however, estimates...

industry events
Land Capability Assessment for On-site Wastewater Management

04 April 2016

Camperdown, VIC

Introduction to Groundwater: Principles and Practices

12 April 2016

701 Swanston St Carlton

Wetland Education and Training (WET) - Manage Wetlands Pests and Weeds

28 April 2016

Sydney Olympic Park

2016 Stormwater Victoria Symposium

05 May 2016

CQ Function Centre, melbourne

2016 OzWater

10 May 2016

Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre

Do you have an industry event that you would like to add to the Clearwater calendar?

990 La Trobe Street, Docklands, Vic 3008 Australia t.03 9679 7711 f.03 9679 7499

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