Clearwaterevents & news |  Enabling the transition to Water Sensitive Cities | Dear Clearwater Newsletter Subscriber, Welcome to the latest update from the Clearwater team. |
training and events |  | Thursday 28 February 2013 Clearwater's Growth Area WSUD tour travels to Hume City Council and The City of Whittlesea. The tour will include site visits to biofilters and wetlands in new housing estates, visits to council owned WSUD assets and town centre renewal projects incorporating WSUD and stormwater harvesting. Click here for more information or to register now |  | Wednesday 27 March 2013 Clearwater's latest tour showcases a number of exciting Integrated Water Management projects that have been undertaken in the City of Greater Geelong. The tour will include visits to two stormwater harvesting sites that highlight two different approaches; one in a high profile sporting stadium and the second for a valued community asset. The tour will also visit one of the largest growth areas in Victoria where an integrated approach has been taken to water supply, treatment and habitat creation and enhancement. Click here for more information or to register now |  | Thursday 2 May 2013 This one day training course will introduce you to the concepts of Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) and water sensitive cities, focusing on the WSUD approach to stormwater management. The session will cover the principles of stormwater management, focusing on how to set targets to allow for water conservation as well as flow and water quality management. It will emphasise basic principles of water quality treatment and flow management to guide selection and design of treatment systems. Design considerations, treatment performance and operation and maintenance will be discussed for a wide range of treatment systems. Click here for more information or to register now |  | Wednesday 5 June 2013 This one day training course, developed in partnership with Monash Water for Liveability, will introduce you with the concepts required to design an effective stormwater harvesting project. The workshop will feature insights into stormwater harvesting guidelines, latest research on the performance of stormwater treatment technologies, conceptual design and costs associated with stormwater harvesting systems. The course will include practical design exercises to develop the conceptual design of a stormwater harvesting system for a (i) greenfield and (ii) retrofit situation. Click here for more information or to register now |
news |  | 13 February 2013 Urban Waterways are included as a target area in the recently announced Target Area Grants from the Federal Government's Caring for our Country program.
Target Area Grants will provide funding of between $50 000 and $2 million for projects to maintain ecosystem services, protect our conservation estate, and enhance the capacity of Indigenous communities to conserve and protect natural resources across six target areas. ... Click for full story |  | 12 February 2013 MUSIC Auditor is an online tool, designed for local government and other responsible drainage authorities to assist in the assessment of MUSIC models. Developed by Melbourne Water, the Auditor is intended to assist in the review of MUSIC model inputs and to identify any non-compliance of set parameters (found in locally relevant guidelines & within expected or reasonable ranges)... Click for full story |  | 7 February 2013 As a visitor to our site, your opinion is what matters the most. We have implemented a number of improvements to the website over the past year in response to your feedback. We would love to hear your thoughts on the site and to the changes we have made. Taking the time to answer a few simple questions will help us make a real difference to the website and continue to improve the overall user experience.
You have the option to remain anonymous, however by entering in your details you go into the draw to win $100 VISA gift voucher.... Click for full story |
resources |  | 4 January 2013 In June 2011, Council was successful in receiving a grant for stormwater harvesting at Mount Waverley Reserve as part of the Australian Government 'Stormwater Harvesting and Reuse Fund'. ... Click for full story |  | 15 January 2013 This short video provides a great overview of the Mount Waverley stormwater harvesting project. Theproject diverts rainwater from Melbourne Water's reservoir roof into five 100,000 litre water tanks. This water will be used to irrigate surrounding sports fields used by the Eastern Football League, Waverley Blues Football Club and Mount Waverley Cricket Club. The water will also be used by Council staff to help maintain trees on nature strips and Monash reserves. Click for full story |