
Building a water

sensitive future

through education

and partnerships


January eNewsletter

Dear Clearwater Newsletter Subscriber,

Welcome to the latest update from the Clearwater team.

training and events

Tuesday 23 NovemberRaingardens Essentials

Monday 8 NovemberNational Stormwater Conference 2010

Tuesday 26 OctoberHot Topics - Introduction to Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD)

Wednesday 23 FebruaryHot Topics - Developing an Integrated Water Management Strategy

Tuesday 19 AprilStormwater Harvest and Reuse

Wednesday 20 OctoberMUSIC V4

Wednesday 8 JuneMUSIC V4


Stormwater Victoria Annual Seminar - call for abstracts

Blueprint for Stormwater Management in a Water Sensitive City

Sustainability Leadership - How to Facilitate Positive Change

The Clayton South Stormwater Harvesting and Reuse Project

Melbourne Water MUSIC Guidelines now available

training and events

Raingardens Essentials

Tuesday the 23rd of November 2010 This popular workshop provides practical guidance on the design and construction of raingardens and biofilters. The workshop covers site analysis, design, materials selection, construction and maintenance to ensure project success. Practical design exercises will give participants a deeper understanding of best practice design and effective project management. Class discussion will encourage participants to share knowledge and experience across disciplines. Click here for more information or to register now

National Stormwater Conference 2010

Monday the 8th of November 2010 The Stormwater National Conference will provide an excellent opportunity for practitioners from across the industry to gather, network and learn about the myriad of cutting edge projects and research that is being generated by this dynamic and rapidly growing industry sector. Click here for more information or to register now

Hot Topics - Introduction to Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD)

Tuesday the 26th of October 2010 If you are new to WSUD or have a limited knowledge of WSUD, this is the event for you. You will gain an understanding of the environmental, social and regulatory drivers for WSUD. Expert speakers will present valuable case studies highlighting WSUD as part of Integrated Urban Water Management, and the important role it has in developing water sensitive cities of the future. Click here for more information or to register now

Hot Topics - Developing an Integrated Water Management Strategy

Wednesday the 23rd of February 2011 Clearwater and Melbourne Water's first Hot Topics forum for 2011 is a terrific opportunity to hear the latest thinking on how to develop an integrated water management strategy in council. Local government and industry experts will share valuable insights outlining the important steps, considerations, and programs they have used in their organisations. As an attendee you will have the chance to learn about key elements of a robust integrated water management strategy, understand the vital role of setting targets to drive a strategy and hear about new tools and support available to work through this process. Click here for more information or to register now

Stormwater Harvest and Reuse

Tuesday the 19th of April 2011 This workshop will introduce key steps to consider when scoping a sustainable water project integrating stormwater harvesting and water reuse. You will follow a stormwater harvest and reuse case study to highlight the considerations for water demand, supply, storage, treatment and project evaluation. Interactive activities will focus on tools for calculating yields, storage needs and irrigation schedules. Relevant legislation, guidelines and risk assessment procedures for stormwater and waste water reuse use are also covered. Click here for more information or to register now


Wednesday the 20th of October 2010 Clearwater in partnership with eWater delivers training for the latest version of MUSIC software. MUSIC (Model for Urban Stormwater Improvement Conceptualisation) is a software tool to assist you in planning, simulating and evaluating on site stormwater treatment measures. Version 4 MUSIC training is available over two days with the option for more experienced users to join the second day only. Click here for more information or to register now


Wednesday the 8th of June 2011 Clearwater in partnership with eWater delivers training for the latest version of MUSIC software. MUSIC (Model for Urban Stormwater Improvement Conceptualisation) is a software tool to assist you in planning, simulating and evaluating on site stormwater treatment measures. Version 4 MUSIC training is available over two days with the option for more experienced users to join the second day only. Click here for more information or to register now


Stormwater Victoria Annual Seminar - call for abstracts

January 20, 2011

Stormwater Victoria is calling for submissions to present papers at the Annual Stormwater Victoria Seminar; “Stormwater - Making the Connection”. 

You are invited to submit an abstract that presents a challenging and practical perspective on any of the following themes:

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Blueprint for Stormwater Management in a Water Sensitive City

January 17, 2011

This just released blueprint is the first version of an evolving document that articulates how, through a holistic approach to the management of urban stormwater, we can transition Australian cities to Water Sensitive Cities.  Blueprint recommendations are based on a comprehensive literature review across multiple disciplines undertaken by the Cities as Water Supply Catchments research team.  The blueprint outlines approaches that

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Sustainability Leadership - How to Facilitate Positive Change

January 10, 2011

AWA has launched a series of training sessions designed to create and empower sustainability change agents.  This full day course has been designed for professionals at an entry to middle-management level who are seeking to promote more sustainable practices within their organisations.  The course focuses on the behaviours and strategies effective sustainability change agents typically use.  Participants will start the process of building self-awareness as an emergent leader and build a developmental plan to begin the process of becoming a more effective sustainability l

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The Clayton South Stormwater Harvesting and Reuse Project

December 20, 2010

Melbourne Water and the Kingston City Council will soon start work on a $5 million stormwater harvesting project to benefit Kingston’s parks and sportsgrounds.  The project will upgrade an existing retarding basin, construct a wetland for stormwater treatment and stormwater re-use, and provide increased recreational use through construction of pathways and boardwalk infrastructure.  The multiple benefits of the project include flood protection for 110 residential houses, treatment of stormwater pollution to protect our waterways and bay, and provision of localised alternativ

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Melbourne Water MUSIC Guidelines now available

December 17, 2010

Melbourne Water has recently reviewed the MUSIC (Model for Urban Stormwater Improvement Conceptualisation) Guidelines.  These guidelines have been specifically developed for those submitting MUSIC models to Melbourne Water.  MUSIC is a conceptual design tool to help estimate pollutant generation from a catchment and to demonstrate the performance of stormwater quality improvement systems.  The Melbourne Water guidelines provide guidance on methods specific to the Melbourne region without inhibiting innovative modelling approaches, and help ensure a consistent scientifica

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Practitioners' Risk Perception Online Survey

December 15, 2010

Assoc Prof Rebekah Brown and Dr Meredith Dobbie from Monash University's Centre for Water Sensitive Cities would value your opinion in an online survey into risk perceptions of water practitioners towards different water systems in Australian cities.  The survey, jointly funded by CSIRO within its Water for a Healthy Country National Research Flagship, is a part of a broader research project into the implementation of sustainable urban water systems. 

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Needs Analysis of Stormwater Water Quality Management

December 14, 2010

Melbourne Water is currently in the process of conducting a needs analysis survey that focuses on the capacity of Council’s to sustainably manage stormwater. The Needs Analysis involves a self assessment survey and post survey workshops for the Local Government Councils within Melbourne Water’s Catchment boundaries.   This is a follow up to an initial Needs Analysis survey conducted in 2006. 

The purpose of the Needs Analysis is to:

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