
Building a water

sensitive future

through education

and partnerships


events & news

Dear Clearwater Newsletter Subscriber,

Welcome to the latest update from the Clearwater team.

training and events

Tuesday 17 MayRaingardens essentials

Wednesday 25 MayStormwater Victoria Annual Seminar - Making the connection

Friday 3 JuneHot Topics: Starting an Asset Register for Water Sensitive Urban Design

Wednesday 8 JuneMusic: Stormwater modelling for WSUD

Friday 10 JuneMusic: Advanced stormwater modelling

Wednesday 29 JuneImproving urban streams through a stormwater retrofit approach

Monday 11 JulyWater Sensitive Cities Winter School


3 May - State Government's Budget committment to positive water reform

March 31 - Protecting Dobson's Creek project underway

20 April - National Water Commission call for a rethink on water pricing and regulation

training and events

Raingardens essentials

Tuesday the 17th of May 2011 This popular workshop provides practical guidance on the design and construction of raingardens and biofilters. The workshop covers site analysis, design, materials selection, construction and maintenance to ensure project success. Practical class exercises give participants a deeper understanding of best practice design and effective project management. Click here for more information or to register now 

Stormwater Victoria Annual Seminar - Making the connection

Wednesday the 25th of May 2011 Clearwater proudly supports this popular annual seminar where you can hear about new ways that stormwater is helping to achieve better water saving, groundwater, and wastewater solutions. It's all integrated! The seminar will feature presentations from Melbourne Water, Growth Area Authority, VicUrban and many more. Click here for more information or to register now 

Hot Topics: Starting an Asset Register for Water Sensitive Urban Design

Friday the 3rd of June 2011 Clearwater's latest Hot Topics provides a terrific opportunity to hear about the importance of developing a WSUD asset register in council. Local government and industry experts will share valuable insights outlining key steps and programs they have used to develop a WSUD asset register, outlining how this has informed management and future planning. Click here for more information or to register now 

Music: Stormwater modelling for WSUD

Wednesday the 8th of June 2011 Clearwater, in partnership with eWater delivers training for the latest version of music software. Music (Model for Urban Stormwater Improvement Conceptualisation) can assist you in planning, simulating and evaluating on site stormwater treatment measures and Water Sensitive Urban Design. Click here for more information or to register now 

Music: Advanced stormwater modelling

Friday the 10th of June 2011 Clearwater, in partnership with eWater present this one-day workshop for experienced MUSIC users who have completed the introductory and intermediate training and would like to get more out of the software. Click here for more information or to register now 

Improving urban streams through a stormwater retrofit approach

Wednesday the 29th of June 2011 Clearwater in partnership with the University of Melbourne, Monash University and Melbourne Water invite you to a unique event to hear from international and local experts on pioneering approaches to catchment-scale stormwater retrofit projects. The event will focus on two innovative projects, Shepherds Creek and the Little Stringybark Creek. Click here for more information or to register now 

Water Sensitive Cities Winter School

Monday the 11th of July 2011 The Water Sensitive Cities Winter School is a unique opportunity to hear from Australia’s leading researchers on key actions we need to undertake to create water sensitive and liveable cities. Lectures and workshops will present latest solutions and concept on required economic approaches, technologies for water treatment, urban design and modelling, climate change adaptation, social and government engagement. Click here for more information or to register now 


3 May - State Government's Budget committment to positive water reform

May 03, 2011

The State Government has just released the Victorian Budget committing $50M over the next four years to implement the outcomes of the  'Living Melbourne, Living Victoria' road map.  Another $1M has been allocated over two years to develop a feasibility study for

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March 31 - Protecting Dobson's Creek project underway

March 31, 2011

Knox City Council in partnership with Melbourne Water have begun construction of the Wicks Reserve bio- infiltration project, the largest bio-filtration basin of its kind in an effort to protect Dobsons Creek.  Dobsons Creek is identified as the highest value catchment within Knox City Council as less than two percent of the catchment contains urbanised areas that have formal stormwater drainage directly flowing into the creek. 

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20 April - National Water Commission call for a rethink on water pricing and regulation

April 20, 2011

The National Water Commission (NWC) is calling for water pricing options to encourage competition, innovation, and sustainable water use as well as allow for customer choice. Last month the commission released four reports examining pricing and competition in the urban water sector.

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