On Wednesday 29th June Clearwater in partnersip with the University of Melbourne , Monash University and Melbourne Water presented "Improving urban streams through a stormwater retrofit approach. Sixty people attended this event to hear latest research findings from two innovative catchment scale research projects; Little Stringybark Creek and Shepherd Creek.
Little Stringybark creek project located at Mt Evelyn on Melbourne’s outskirts and the Shepherd Creek project in Cincinnati, Ohio both aim to improve the condition of each creek by reducing the volume of water.
This involves encouraging landowners in each catchment to install raingardens or water tanks to reduce excess flows of stormwater reaching the local waterway and help restore natural flow regimes.
10 expert speakers provided a comprehensive background on each project highlighting social engagement and novel economic tools that were used to gain community support. Further presentations focussed on cost effective ways that residential raingardens, water tanks and passive irrigation could be used to break the connection of stormwater directly reaching local waterways