Wednesday 5th Aug 2015 - Thursday 6th Aug 2015 9:30AM - 5:00PM
Karstens Training Centre
123 Queens Street, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000
Registrations are now closed
The CRC for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC) has recently launched Version 2 of The Adoption Guidelines for Stormwater Biofiltration Systems. Based on the latest research, these guidelines provide information on stormwater biofilter performance, the business case for its adoption, technical design guidance and key issues for designing, constructing, monitoring and maintaining systems.
To complement the launch of the guidelines, Clearwater has partnered with the CRCWSC and E2DesignLab to bring you valuable training to help you understand the research behind the guidelines and how to apply them.
You have the option to attend Day 1 only OR Day 1 and 2.
The guidelines are intended for use by all parties involved in urban biofilter (also known as raingardens) planning, design and installation. This includes planners, engineers, landscape architects, developers and constructors.
This seminar will be presented by Ana Deletic and Belinda Hatt from the CRCWSC. By attending this session you will:
This session will be facilitated by Dale Browne, Gary Walsh and Simon Roberts (from E2DesignLab). By attending this workshop you will:
Note: Day 1 is a prerequisite for attendance at Day 2. To attend this workshop a working knowledge of biofilter principle and design application will be beneficial.
Register for Day 1 Seminar: $125 CRC Industry Partners, $200 General
Register Day 1 and 2 Training Workshop: $700 CRC Industry Partners, $800 General
Registrations close Tuesday 28 July 2015 - places are limited
Tania Struzina - Clearwater Project Officer or 9679 6969