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WSUD Planning Policy : what are the options, what works and what next?

Tuesday 6th Jun 2017 9:00AM - 1:00PM

Monash University Law Chambers
555 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000

Registrations are now closed

Concerned about the water cycle impacts of new urban development?
Frustrated by existing WSUD policy ‘gaps’?
Keen to understand what planning policy options are available to improve on-site WSUD outcomes?

Then come and join Living Rivers, Clearwater and your local government colleagues to discover and explore exemplar planning policy approaches from leading councils across the region!


Hot off the back of their sell-out industry forum on Point-Source Stormwater Pollution, the Living Rivers-Clearwater Capacity Building Partnership brings you another exciting, not-to-be-missed event for local government.

The WSUD Planning Policy Forum will showcase innovative planning approaches that address the existing gaps in WSUD planning policy and deliver effective solutions to improving WSUD outcomes in new urban development – including infill development.

These local government case studies will provide an overview of four different policy mechanisms, including implementation issues/pitfalls and successes, to achieve improved stormwater management and will include:

  • Development and implementation of Local Planning Policies
  • Developer Contributions/Offsets
  • Environmental Significance Overlays
  • Enhanced On-site Detention Requirements

The event will also provide an interactive session to facilitate participant questions, input and discussion on the merits of the different policy approaches and how these fit with changes to existing state-wide planning provisions that are currently being proposed.

What you’ll gain

This session will provide participants with:

  • An overview of the water cycle impacts of urban development
  • An understanding of the existing gaps in WSUD planning policy and possible ‘next steps’ for addressing these at a state level
  • An in-depth appreciation of leading policy options available to individual councils to improve runoff management outcomes in new development, including their strengths, challenges and pitfalls
  • Valuable insights into how to successfully initiate and establish new WSUD planning approaches
  • Knowledge of existing tools and resources to assist implementation of WSUD planning policy
  • Opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback to industry experts, including on next steps for the industry
  • Access to a network of industry practitioners as a ‘community of practice’ for ongoing support in developing and implementing WSUD planning policy


The session will be particularly useful for council officers/managers from strategic planning, environment/sustainability, statutory planning and development engineering, plus representatives from authorities with a role in water cycle management and urban planning. The forum will not be open to private sector staff.


Morning tea and lunch


Thursday 1 June – places are limited and registrations are essential – please book your place via the registration button above


p: 9679 7711
e: info@clearwatervic.com.au 


        This session is part of the Clearwater / Melbourne Water Living Rivers Partnership.