Over the past month several announcements relating to the water industry were made by the Victorian...
The Bureau of Meteorology has released its latest climate and water outlook video. In the outlook...
If you haven’t yet heard about the ZAM-WSUD project led by Simon Brink from Manningham City...
On March 16 the Senator Nick Xenophon called for an inquiry into stormwater across Australia. In...
If you are a leader in the stormwater industry, you need to be able to anticipate the future, taking...
The Enivronment Protection Authority (EPA) is holding an ‘Open House’ on 25 February...
The Bureau of Meteorology’s Annual Climate Report 2014 is now available. Points of interest...
The CRC for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC) have just released a new publication: How influencing...
We are excited to announce Carol Jadraque as the new Manager for the Clearwater team. During...
On Wednesday 21 January 2015, Clearwater in partnership with the CRC for Water Sensitive City and...