The Victorian Government’s final Plan Melbourne, was recently released, and together...
The National Water Commission is responsible for driving national water reform under the National...
The Australian Water Association (AWA) and Deloitte are running the State of the Water Sector Survey....
Over 100 water professionals from a range of disciplines ventured to the outskirts of Ballarat to...
The CRC for Water Sensitive Cities are seeking industry representatives to participate in a survey...
The Green Star Communities Guide is a resource developed for local governments to encourage community...
The 2014 Stormwater Victoria Conference Program features a number of interesting presentations from...
RMIT in Melbourne will invest $98 million in a massive sustainability project to boost the energy...
There are a number of movements within the Clearwater team: We are excited to have Emily Phillips...
The Smart Water Fund was established by the Victorian Water Industry in 2002 as a key part of the...