Congratulations to the winners of the 2012 Victorian Water Awards:2012 Water Professional of the...
As part of the Victorian Government's Living Melbourne, Living Victoria Policy a $50 million fund...
The new planning scheme amendment establishes requirements for new development that promotes the...
The second national stormwater conference was held at the Sofitel in Melbourne from 15 - 19 October....
On Monday 24 September, the Clearwater Team attended the launch of the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities....
The Smart Water Fund has announced that it will make available $1 million in funding to support...
The 15th International Riversymposium, 8-11 October will be held in Melbourne, and will explore...
Clearwater has teamed up with the Department of Health to better understand your needs and experiences...
Congratulations to all Victorian award recipients. Our very own Anna Jennings, Regional Stormwater...
Congratulations to the following recipients who have received Water Leadership Scholarships as part...