Clearwater News and Events

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News highlights

Resources highlights

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training and events
Maintenance of WSUD Assets Technical Training Packages

Where: Event held in-house

Clearwater’s in-house training provides organisations with an interactive learning experience. Our trainers are experts...

Construction Hold Points Training - Bio-retention Systems and Wetlands

Where: Event held in your organisation on request

Clearwater’s in-house training provides your staff and contractors with a tailored and interactive learning experience....

Melbourne Water Living Rivers funding opportunities
18 February 2019

A new Living Rivers funding round will be open from 18 February to 26 March 2019. Up to $3.2 million will be available to local...

Healthy Waterways Strategy - YourSay for the co-delivery and implementation phase
05 March 2019

Catchment conversations - a just launched live community conversation platform  Have you been involved in Healthy Waterways...

Understanding the application of the Australian Rainfall and Runoff 2016 changes
06 March 2019

Stormwater Victoria in partnership with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) recently...

Stormwater Policy Changes seminar
08 March 2019

Stormwater Victoria in partnership with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) recently...

State of the Climate 2018
22 February 2019

The State of the Climate report draws on the latest monitoring, science and projection information to describe variability and...

Factsheets And Tools: CRCWSC factsheets on strategies for restoring urban waterways
08 February 2019

The CRCWSC has just released 13 factsheets about improving the ecological function of urban waterways. They are designed...

Factsheets And Tools: Water By Design WSUD factsheets
08 February 2019

Healthy Land and Water in Queensland has produced a range of factsheets and other resources covering Water Sensitive Urban Design...

Papers And Presentations: Analysing water sensitive urban design options
10 January 2019

Using water mass balance to analyse hydrological performance of water sensitive urban design options in infill development With...

Papers And Presentations: Planning for uncertain water futures
20 January 2019

Using strategic thinking to rehearse uncertain futures in the water sector Cities, their citizens and service providers are being...

Case Study: Building a Flood Resilient Bendigo
14 December 2018

The Bendigo Urban Flood Study includes detailed hydrological and hydraulic modelling for the Bendigo Creek catchment from Kangaroo...

industry events
AWA VIC Mentoring Program 2019 Launch Breakfast

21 March 2019

Wood & Grieve Office, 22/570 Bourke St, Melbourne

4th Water Sensitive Cities Conference 2019

26 March 2019

Mercure Hotel, Brisbane


07 May 2019


2019 Stormwater Victoria Conference

04 June 2019

Vibe Hotel Marysville

Water Industry Alliance Smart Water Awards

07 June 2019

South Australia

22nd International Riversymposium ‘Resilient Rivers’

20 October 2019

Brisbane, Australia

Linkedin Clearwater

990 La Trobe Street, Docklands, Vic 3008 Australia | t.03 9679 7711 |

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Victoria State Government Melbourne Water